

Capture our coding standards for Python projects, alongside other things that are useful to know when working on Python codebases at Countable.


Aggregation of all Python-specific standards, best practices, and known problems we may encounter.

Python Code Standards

For Python code, please comply with PEP-8. Editor plugins can automate most of the rules for you. Common mistakes:


Order imports as follows

# Builtins
import os
import sys
import csv

# 3rd Party
import django

# local
import mymodule

Exception Handling

Best practices for handling errors/ unexpected cases

# bad - lost information about the error
   print("I don't know what happened")

# preferred - capture specific exception class
except ZeroDivisionError:
   print("now I know the exception")

# when error is unexpected/unknown, do a catch-all and do a traceback
except Exception:
   import traceback

# bad - unnecessary lines in the try block
   a = 1
   b = a-a
exception ZeroDivisionError:
   print("One of these lines failed")

# better - isolate which lines you expect to fail
a = 1
b = a-a
except ZeroDivisionError:
   print("Now we know which line failed")

Line Length

Lines of up to 119 chars are ok, instead of the default 79 chars. The reason for this is we have higher resolution screens these days and 79 chars is crazy restrictive.


  • attributes_names - Attributes (and local variables) should use lowercase with underscores

Common Gotchas

Python Requests

  • By default, [Python Requests does not provide the timeout parameter](, which can cause timeouts in HTTP requests to bring down all Django workers in your app. It is recommended to always provide the timeout parameter when using Python Requests. A reasonable timeout time is 10 seconds, or longer (e.g. 30 seconds or more) if you’re expecting a long-running request.

Debugging Python


  • You should become familiar with Python’s debugger, pdb . Here are a few common cases with recipes.
  • If you want to inspect any object (variable) in python, use the dir(obj) function in the python CLI (>>>)
  • If you want to know the source file of any module, do import module and then module.__file__

There is a trace in Library code and you want to look around

  1. Look at the stack trace, and identify the file and line you want to break at.
  2. Add import pdb; pdb.set_trace() on that line and save the file.
  3. Run your program, and when that line is reached the debugger will start interactively in your terminal.

The program is really unstable and you want to debug whenever it crashes.

  1. Replace the executable python with pdb temporarily, in your Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml
  2. For example, python runserver becomes pdb runserver
  3. Now, restart your web (django) container in the foreground. ie) docker-compose stop web && docker-compose up web
  4. When the program crashes, your terminal will halt in a PDB interface and you can print variable names, etc.